Monday, March 18, 2013

Touch A Heart Radio Talk Show

This has been an absolutely amazing season for me, not all bad, but definitely not all good.  One thing I have definitely learned is that God is stretching me in areas I never thought possible.  Isaiah 54:2-4 says: “Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family.You’re going to take over whole nations; you’re going to resettle abandoned cities. Don’t be afraid—you’re not going to be embarrassed. Don’t hold back—you’re not going to come up short.You’ll forget all about the humiliations of your youth,and the indignities of being a widow will fade from memory. 

In this past season I definitely experienced some indignities as a widow; without a doubt there were times when I felt a loss of dignity and self-respect.  But I certainly learned that it is in those times when God becomes very BIG in your life.  He has become so very huge in my life and every day He is opening my eyes to new wonders and giving me a greater desire to help those in need.  In February we launched our Touch A Heart...Change A Life Campaign that is still active and God continues to add to that vision. We are currently preparing to host our first Radio Talk Show, "Touch A Heart", where we will focus on hurting people, hurting situations and powerful solutions.  I want to be a part of the solution for those who are in pain.  I am delighted the God is providing a platform to share many of the issues people face day in and out and what we can do as a body of believers to help.  

This is my life's goal to Touch A Heart...Change A life!!!  Won't you join me? Keep watch...I have so many things to share on this wonderful journey.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Focused on the Goal!!!

As I begin to reflect on my life in the reason years, I have been virtually in the press since 2007, I have had struggle after struggle, since 2007. My boss said something today that I have heard so many times: "you remind me a little bit of Job". I even remember saying those words in 2010, "wow, I feel like Job, but praise God I haven't seen death" and in 2011 my husband took his life.

God has been stretching and preparing me from something GREAT!!! Something so BIG that I could never do it on my own. Something so BIG that He had to keep my focus on Him. So with that in mind, I am focused on the goal.  In Philippians 3:12-14 in the Message it says: I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

It has been a  rough road, and most of what I have experienced lately is NOTHING that I would have ever asked for, but all I have to say to Satan is "BRING IT ON", if you are spending so much of your time on distracting and frustrating me. You are giving me a reason for HIGH PRAISE and helping me to stay focused to see what God really has for me that has kept you on attack for me!!!

I say on this day "Thankful Thursday" March 14th, that I will look back and see why Satan had an "ALL OUT ATTACK" on me and my family. I know without a doubt my goal is not church work, but Kingdom work!!! He who wins souls is wise and I'm on the Lord's team, with the goal of bringing manysouls into the fold!! Satan must see something so MIGHTY in the name of Jesus, that he is working very hard to stop me. Even today, I have been in the bed all day with some type of infection, my body completely in pain. I was feeling pretty bad, then I remembered it is my declared: Thankful Thursday, so I have to stop and say thank you Lord, I'm ALIVE!!! No matter what comes my way, I've got my eye on the goal, I'm aiming high and focusing on the goal!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Because Life is Precious

This Saturday in Las Vegas, Nevada I will have a wonderful opportunity to be a part of something Life Changing: March for Life!!! I will be at Baker Park, lending my support to a wonderful cause.  There are times when we really do not realize the cost for the decisions we make.  I have been blessed to be a part of a fantastic organization who commits to saving lives every single day.  Did you know that in the last 40 years over 54 million babies have been legally killed.  Isn't it time that we begin looking at solutions and multiple choices to help those who are in the midst of a pregnancy crisis? That is what First Choice Pregnancy Services does for the community.

They lovingly offer support to every person walking in, no matter what their background or belief, they offer their services free.  Its not too late you can join me this weekend and if you are not in the Las Vegas area, please feel free to go to the event website and make a contribution.   Please visit:

I am so very thrilled to join in on this effort and to be a part of the solution.  Won't you join me? Because life is precious.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dare to Dream

When we are little ones it seems like nothing can stop us from dreaming, we are constantly dreaming, we even day dream; we dream of being a princess waiting in a castle for our prince to come; we dream of being a star; we dream having very own horse. We have many dreams.  But something happens down the line, some of us stop dreaming; some even begin to believe that dreams don't come true.

Well we need to keep dreaming, God wants us to dream; he has poured dreams in us. We are all pregnant with dreams waiting to come forth.

In the Old Testament, there is a story of a little boy name Joseph and he had dreams all the times, he had dreams that everyone would bow to him; his brothers and sisters would bow and his father and mother would bow. No one liked Joseph's dreams, his brothers were so angry with his dreams that they sold Joseph away from the family, believing they would never see him again. 

But there was a problem, you see when God gives you a dream, there is nothing anyone can do to stop those dreams from coming to past. Joseph was sold away into slavery, he was even put in prison, but even though he went through a lot of heart ache and pain, his brothers, father and everyone in that land bowed to Joseph because God raised him up as a Ruler. God brought Joseph's dream to life.

So I encourage you today, dare to dream and believe what God places upon your heart.  It may not happen right away but God is working on it. Take those dreams you have in your heart and start planning. Proverbs 16:9 says:  A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.  

Allow your dreams to align with your purpose; your purpose to align with your action and your actions to align with the manifestation of your dreams. Dare to dream and you will be amazed with what God will do  if you only believe. Dare to Dream.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

God is Seeking Warm Hearts!!!

Every time I look at the news and some times even Facebook, I'm amazed how cold people can be.  Its as if they have no heart, almost nothing seems to move them.  They can see the despair and hurt that is out there in the world and turn their heads as if it doesn't matter.

It reminded me of the scripture in Matthew 24:12: And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. We live in society today that is filled with evil, destruction and wickedness.  Little children are sold by family members into sex trafficking, that's cold; when the boy at school, that you believe is your one and only, reveals that he only wants to pimp you out, that's cold.  Its sad, but expected from those who don't know the love of Christ.

But when the righteous begin to show that nothing warms their hearts, it is heart breaking to God.  When we see a need and turn the other way because we have determined that person doesn't look like they "really" need help, that's cold; when we see the starving children in foreign countries and say, "well that's in other countries, we need to help people in america", that's cold; when we see suffering women and children trapped in sex slavery and say, "I don't believe that really happens, that's cold!!

Fact be told, we have some cold-hearted saints. And God is looking for warm hearted saints that care.  During Jesus' ministry on earth, He was constanly moved with compassion and when He was moved, He did something. He fed the hungry, He gave sight to the blind, healed the sick, raised the dead.  He had an amazing "Compassion Ministry".  John 14:12 says: Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

God is looking for warm hearts that are reaching out to do more and more each day. Warm hearts serving others that are willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I would give up absolutely everything I have to fulfill the commission God has on my life, in many ways I already have. I have come to realize that it is not about going to church, sitting in my seat and serving in those four walls; although it is an absolute must to gather my self in fellowship with the saints.  But it is truly about helping, reaching, caring just like Jesus did!  It's seeing a need and meeting that need!!!

We all have the Great Commission placed on our life, either we are to go or to give resources for someone else to go.  Well my friend, if you don't feel the call to go, I invite you to partner with me, because I will go.  It burns within me to go out and help, so I will continue to ask this question again and again.  Won't you help me, touch a heart and change a life?  Please watch my video:

Friday, March 1, 2013

What Do You See????


We all want to be successful and to accomplish what God has planned for our lives.  But, some times we wander about like we are in the dark, stretching out our hands hoping to catch hold of somethimg that will make us secure.  The problem with that is, if the lights never come on you will not be able to see and what good will it be to just be holding on to something.

We have to be able to see what is in front of us in order to go any where.  I don't know about you, but I want to go far and I want to accomplish EVERYTHING that God has for me.  And in order to do that I have to have VISION.  Vision is the act or power of seeing; SIGHT; the act or power of imagination; Revelation.

Proverbs 29:18 says: 
Without revelation, people run wild, but one who keeps the law will be happy. (HCSB)
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (KJV)

If you want to get any where you MUST have vision.  Major League baseball player, Mark McGwire, for his career averaged a home run once every 10.61 bats, the best at bats per home run ratio in baseball history. When asked how did he make so many home runs, Mark McGwire said: "before I go up to bat, I see myself at the plate hitting a home run."

Mark McGwire had vision; he had the power if seeing; he had the power of imagination.  What can you see yourself doing?  What can you imagine yourself doing?  God can do that and even more.  Ephesians 3:20 says:
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

So my friends grab hold of your vision and imagine seeing yourself doing it!!!  What exactly do you see?  Do you see yourself owning a business?  Do you see yourself teaching and shaping lives?  What do you see? Whatever you see yourself doing, could be your vision.  Open your eyes and use that power of seeing to envision what God has for you.  Every day God will show you great and exciting things, don't miss out, continue to ask yourself, what do you see?

And We're Off!!!

"WINGS" Community Summer Learning Program

We have launched our "Touch A Heart...Change A Life" Campaign and it is gaining momentum.  Since we have began the campaign we have already hosted the Tending to the Temple Project in San Bernardino, CA.  This was a Community Health and Wellness Day, totally free; breakfast and lunch was served; health screening was available; medical and fitness experts were in attendance offering very valuable information; there was also awesome learning programs for the chidren of the Community: Anti-bullying; Nutrition; fitness; the Art of Meditation to improve behavior.

We have begun planning efforts for helping those in Las Vegas, who are trapped in Human Trafficking; a steering committee has already been formed.  We will offer am awesome  Community Summer Learning Program for children called "Wings".  This program is just as the name says a Community Program, we will go into the neighborhood of Children in need, we will offer backyard programs and community center programs "FREE".  Participants will be evaluated and assessed by a teacher and begin a reading, math, science and library program.  Children will gain confidence in learning; as well as learning strategies to improve in these areas; ultimately soaring in their learning. Hence, the name  "Wings".  It is not too late to participate in our Touch A Heart...Change A Life Campaign, your contributions help us to continue offering these programs to the Community.  We are serving in various ways in California, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Louisiana, Alabama and Tennessee. Our Wings Program is a Pilot Program in California.  Help us to empower children in education and equip them to try out their wings.

Please visit our Campaign site: