Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why You Hatin?

Often we find ourselves being so consumed with others, what they are doing or what they have; while God has something WONDERFUL planned for each and everyone of us.  If we spend our time focusing on what others have and what we don't have, we may miss what God has for us.  And beloved what God has for you is absolutely awesome.  Its time to change our thinking and begin a pursuit to find out the plans that God for us.  God has wonderful plans for us, they are outlined for us in Jeremiah 29:11.  He has plans for us to prosper and succeed.  I have been blessed as God revealed to me through the Bible, many characters allowing their hatred to lead them down the wrong road.  Please take a journey with me through the Bible as I highlight stories that show us how our jealousy, pride and envy stop us from being all that we can be in Jesus Christ.  Maybe you have been on the giving or the receiving in of hatin', lets begin a path toward healing and restoration.  Order this book today.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pretty in Pink

(Barbara Jenkins our 2011 Woman of Inspiration, wearing our Pretty in Pink Boa)

Today marks the first day of "Breast Cancer Awareness Month".  Perhaps you know of someone who has struggled with or still struggling with Breast Cancer.  We want to salute those in the struggle, we want to let you know that you are constantly in the prayers of the Women's Worshipfest.  Our vision through "Pretty in Pink", is to encourage those struggling as well as their families.  I have had the opportunity to be in the trenches with individuals fighting hard to overcome Breast Cancer.  I have been there through treatments and doctors appointments and many times, of course they become weak and at times lose hope.  Be sure to hold close those around you living in this struggle and be a friend, a true and dependable friend, by demonstrating consistent and unwaivering love.  And to all you beautiful ladies in this battle, wear you badge with courage and strength, no matter what you feel or think in this struggle, you are beautiful and we believe you look "Pretty in Pink". May God give  you continued strength for the way.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Deep in the Heart of Texas

We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. (1 Thessalonians 2:8 NIV)
It was my honor and priviledge to share the gospel and my life with the wonderful people of Texas, I have had an opportunity to go and share in Texas four times this year.  On my recent visit, this month I had was given the priviledge to share five times in three days.  I was able to share a seminar on "Power Leadership" twice during the Sisters Who Care Leadership Conference; as well as share in a general session on the Conference Theme: The Story Lives On..Tell It! On Saturday Morning I led the women in the "Blessings in Meditation".  Then I was able to close out my visit with the beautiful people of United Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.  There I spoke on: From the Pit to the Palace.  I have grown to love the people of Texas in a very strong and real way, they have a desire to grow and learn more about the call God has on our lives.  Even when I am away, my heart is drawn to the people of Texas.  I know we will be do many things in this great state with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
God has filled my heart with such joy to share His amazing Love and Word.  I look forward to the opportunities ahead to share.  I do not take it lightly, I am committed to the Great Commission God has placed on not only my life, but on the life of every believer.  Perhaps you are not able to go and serve as you would like.  If that is the case, I ask your most sincere prayers for me as I continue to "GO" in His Name.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Help the Hurting!!!!!

I received the most disturbing news, a woman in Dallas, Texas, lost everything that she owned in a fire. She had no insurance, so she and her family have to start all over again.  I have never met this woman, I don't anything about her other than the total despair she must be feeling.  And with that in mind, my heart goes out to her.  I am scheduled to speak near Dallas on next month, so I will be taking relief to her and her family.  Won't you join me to help the hurting?  Even the smallest contibution makes a remarkable difference when you have lost everything.  Please go to the link below and make a one time donation to this hurting family.!agape-membership/vstc1=one-time-donation

I am reminded of the many times in the Bible when Jesus would see someone sick, lame or hungry, the Bible said He was filled with compassion.  When ever Jesus was filled with compassion, He took action, He healed and ministered to their needs.  Let's be filled with compassion today and meet the needs of the hurting, thereby showing the wonderful love of Jesus. Come on, lets "help the hurting".

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First Foreign Missionary Trip: Paris, France

I have several Bible Characters that truly minister to my heart, but one of my favorite Bible Characters is the Apostle Paul.  I love reading the book of Acts, his first encounter with Jesus Christ and his change of focus to follow.  I love reading his many letters and following him on his missionary journies, a powerful man of God.  On last Friday, I was blessed to have my first meeting with the person who will be advising me for my first foreign missionary journey to France.  He shared very valuable information with me at our meeting in order to prepare me for a successful trip, we discussed: transportation, lodging, meals, passport information, safety and scheduling. And we still have a long way to go.  I have began preparing myself for this journey: I am budgeting, to ensure I have the finances for this trip, I am taking French lessons every Friday; I am studying the people, their culture and religion.  I will go to Paris France in the spring of 2013 to serve for one month. As I shared in my last blog, this has been a burning desire since my childhood.  I have chosen France, because it is close to other countries and it provides me an opportunity to share in many other areas. Please remain in prayer for me and with me, as I surrender my will for the will of Christ.  I will make a local trip next month to Dallas, Texas to share the Gospel of Christ.  God has opened so many doors and I am excited to see what He has next.  Please continue to follow my blog and I will share with you my stories and experiences as God uses me for His Glory.  I am thrilled to be in the service of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I am an "Original" Star Trek fan, with William Shatner, but it is in the name of Jesus that I go, to seek out new civiliations, in Jesus' name, I boldly go...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Who Will Go?

When I was a child, I had a a tremendous passion for Christ.  I was on fire for Jesus and I desired to do His will with every fiber of my being. I remember working in the church and studying God's Word in my very early years.  I would go on mission trips to orphanages in Mexico with my mother; knock on doors to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of Compton, California and share Christ in the prisons with my father.  I also remember at a very young age saying, "Lord, I want to be a missionary in the foreign field, I want to speak on your behalf". This was my heart's desire, I wanted to totally surrender myself in service to Him and go where ever He would send me.  Although, I have given myself to Christ and have continued to serve Him since I was a child.  I never served as a missionary in a foreign country.

I married a wonderful man that also had a burning desire to serve as a missionary.  For 26 years we worked for the Lord in church ministry.  I believed God used us to touch the lives of many people.  But unfortunately life happed in a way I was never prepared for, on February 7th, 2011 my husband took his life.  Leaving me and my daughters with many unanswered questions.  But is in those dark hours that God will bring us to the end of ourselves and cause us to seek Him like never before.  This has been my experience, I have never felt closer to God as I have in this dark period of my life.  I have found myself in Isaiah 6:8,9a "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Who should I send, who will go for Us?" I said: "Here I am. Send me".  And He replied: "Go! Tell these people"... Through my life's tragedy and pain, God has drawn me closer to Himself and restored my desire to serve Him life never before.  I am now ready to answer God's very first call on my life.  Please join me as I go for Christ, taking missionary journeys to shre the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I will share with you my heart, my concerns, my joys as I step into uncharted territory.  God is calling me to share in my back yard, down the street, in my State, in other States, Nations and across the world.  Please keep me in your prayers, as I answer the question God asked thousands of years ago, yet it is still ringing in my ears today: "Who Will Go?" My answer is: "Lord, here am I. Send me!"

Monday, April 16, 2012

Can You Dig It?

I'm eager and excited to share what God has on my heart with the Women of the United Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.  On Saturday, April 28th they will host a Women's Conference, "Can You Dig It?" (Godliness from the Ground up).  Every day we plant seeds in our lives and the lives of others and there is continually a harvest.  What is your harvest?  Is your harvest Godly?  Is God manifesting is power, love, understanding, mercy and other attributes through you?  This is a wonderful time to show forth the mighty works of God in our lives, are we being effective and producing good fruit?

If you are in the Dallas, Texas area, please join us at the United Missionary Baptist Church, I will share my heart regarding my new book, Why You Hatin'?, which in itself reveals evidence of bad fruit.  On Sunday afternoon at United Missionary Baptist Church, I will be speaking on the Conference Topic.  I know God has wonderful blessings in store for everyone who attends.  Sieze this moment, mark your calendar and plan to be there, if you need more information and would like to join us, please call (951) 347-1284.  Registration is necessary for Saturday Morning, so be sure to get that information.  And if you are not in the area, please pray God's blessings on this weekend that lives will be changed and women recharged and restored to serve God like NEVER before!!!

Free to Love!!!

The love of God flows freely, to everyone, whether they choose to accept His love or not. 

God is there with His arms open wide ready to receive us, Romans 5:8 says: But God

proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. (HCSB)

God loves us, no matter what our economic status, ethnic background, His love is love

flows free.  Where have we gotten our kind of love, that is based on loving certain types

of individuals or loving only those who love us?  We have locked up our love and only

given certain people the key.  This is not the love that we receive from God.  God’s love is

unconditional, yet we set numerous restrictions on our love.  I challenge you today, to

stretch beyond yourself and seek the love of God in every relationship you encounter. 

We may be the only opportunity for someone to see Jesus!  Let’s begin to demonstrate

the FREE LOVE, that Jesus offers.  Imagine how you can change even ONE life, by

offering the pure and unconditional love of Jesus, to someone you might have

other wise felt undeserving.  Jesus showed loved to everyone, even those He Knew would

deny him or betray Him.  As Christians we should strive to be as “Christ-like” as we

possibly can and yes it is difficult, so we rely on help from the Holy Spirit.  Purpose in

your heart today to strive to offer the love of Jesus through out the day, no matter what

situation or circumstance you face, no matter how people treat you, strive to be FREE TO


Saturday, April 14, 2012

What stops us from SUCCEEDING???

We all come into this earth with hopes, dreams and inspiration.  We dream of what we want to become when we grow up.  We hope for our dream house, the dream job and most young girls hope for the dream "fairy tale" wedding.  Many of us start well, but do we finish well?  As time goes on, many of us give up on our dreams, believing that they will never come to pass.  And basically thats what stops us from succeeding; we stop believing!  Believing is key to our success!!!!  Believing goes hand and hand with faith and hope, Hebrews 11:1 says: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Just because we can't see it with our physical eyes, doesn't mean that its not on the way.  Just because we have to wait on it, doesn't mean that its not coming!!!!  I love Ephesians 3:20 in the Amplified Version which says:

Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of the action of His) power that is at work within us is able to  (carry out His purpose and) do superabundantly, far over and above all that we (dare) ask or think (infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts hopes or dreams).

Our God is able to do far over and above what we dare ask, think, pray, hope or dream, then why would ever stop believing that He is able.  I challenge you today to take your hopes, dreams and cares to Jesus on today, lay them at His feet and BELIEVE, that His word is true, in Jeremiah 29:11, God says:

For I know the plans I have for you --this is the LORD's declaration-- plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

God's plans are for our welfare, not for disaster, He wants to give us a future and a hope, in the Contemporary English Version it says:

I will bless you with a future filled with hope--a future of success, not of suffering.

What would happen if you chose to BELIEVE that God's word is true and that He wants the best for you?  What would happen if you chose to BELIEVE that God had all power to make your dreams come true?  What would happen if you chose to BELIEVE?...

Monday, March 26, 2012

I Can't Wait To Get On the Road Again

I'm excited, I'm about to leave again to promote my book, "Why You Hatin'?" in Dallas, Texas.  I will be speaking two times at the United Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas for their Women's Ministry Conference.  It is always a wonderful opportunity to share Christ with others and it gives me even more excitement to share the book that God has placed on my heart.

This has been a wonderful journey sharing the love of Christ with so many ladies and gentlement and God has so many wonderful things in store.  Next month, my first devotion will be published in Shabbach Magazine.   The devotion is titled: Thanks for the Crumbs!  In deed I'm thankful for every thing God grants me, at times things may seem small, but anything that God gives always has the opportunity to be bigger than you ever thought.  Take care and keep me in your prayers!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

God is Opening Doors

I am so grateful for what God has been doing in the life of my ministry.  I am still going strong with the book tour and now plans are underway to featured in a Film Documentary about Angels.  This documentary will feature interviews and clips from individuals discussing Angels, I will highlight portions of the first chapter of my Why You Hatin'? "People will hate your light.  Which discusses the fallen angel. I am excited and honored to be a part of this project. I'm expecting great things to come from this documentary.  Also, I will have a devotion in the Christian Magazine "Shabbach" in their April Issue.  I will return to Texas in April to speak at a Women's Conference and promote the book.  Please continue to keep me in your prayers that God would breathe on my dreams and desires, as He shapes them into His plans for His glory!!! And I will be sure to keep you in the loop and we keep moving for Christ!!! AMEN!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Why You Hatin'? Still Moving!!!!

God has truly blessed my new book, "Why You Hatin'?", we had an awesome Book Signing Event in Dallas, TX there was a HUGE show up at the Greater St. James Baptist Church in Dallas, TX.  We awesome had a WONDERFUL turn out at Berean's Christian Stores in Riverside, CA.  The manager said that she was truly impressed with the turn out and response to the book.  We recently received word that there was only 1 book available at  Things are really moving for this book!!!! Glory to God!!!!  But if you would like to purchase a copy of my new book, you can purchase an autographed copy on this site!!!!  I am tremendously thankful for the move of God on this project, looking forward to great and mighty things in the name of the LORD!!!!!  Stay tuned for more information!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Preparing for Dallas, Texas

I'm so excited about our next Book Signing Event in Dallas, Texas.  It has been a while since I have been able to blog, I had some dental work done and I have been in severe pain.  But I'm back in the saddle.  We had a wonderful time at our first Book Signing Event at Image Authority in Riverside, CA there were great people coming to visit and support the book, the next day there was a book signing in Desert Hot Springs, CA at Just Gina's Hair and Nail Salon, that was a wonderful experience as well.  It was great to see women under the dryer reading my book; getting their hair styled and reading my book.  Before I was about to go home, we circled for prayer, it was absolutely awesome!  God is so good!  Now I'm expecting God to do even better things in Dallas, TX.  I have claimed 2012 as the year for OPEN DOORS!!!  Trusting God to provide new and exciting opportunities.  The book is being well received and readers have been sharing their reviews, in the days ahead, I will share them with you.  If you have not had an opportunity to read my new book, "Why You Hatin'?", you can purchase your copy right now, just click buy now!!!!  And be sure to attend one of my Book Signing Events, I will be glad to sign it for you!!!  Good bye for now!!!