Monday, April 16, 2012

Free to Love!!!

The love of God flows freely, to everyone, whether they choose to accept His love or not. 

God is there with His arms open wide ready to receive us, Romans 5:8 says: But God

proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. (HCSB)

God loves us, no matter what our economic status, ethnic background, His love is love

flows free.  Where have we gotten our kind of love, that is based on loving certain types

of individuals or loving only those who love us?  We have locked up our love and only

given certain people the key.  This is not the love that we receive from God.  God’s love is

unconditional, yet we set numerous restrictions on our love.  I challenge you today, to

stretch beyond yourself and seek the love of God in every relationship you encounter. 

We may be the only opportunity for someone to see Jesus!  Let’s begin to demonstrate

the FREE LOVE, that Jesus offers.  Imagine how you can change even ONE life, by

offering the pure and unconditional love of Jesus, to someone you might have

other wise felt undeserving.  Jesus showed loved to everyone, even those He Knew would

deny him or betray Him.  As Christians we should strive to be as “Christ-like” as we

possibly can and yes it is difficult, so we rely on help from the Holy Spirit.  Purpose in

your heart today to strive to offer the love of Jesus through out the day, no matter what

situation or circumstance you face, no matter how people treat you, strive to be FREE TO


1 comment:

  1. Yes the love of God flows freely in us. There should be two duties reguired of us is to love God and love our neighbor. When we read love our neighbor we should think beyond someone that loves next dooor to us. Our neighbor should be everyone in the world that GOD created!He died on the cross because he loved us! He did not die just for certain people. We as people should take on the mind of CHRIST,to love all freely, no matter how they look, how much money they make, where they live.. etc. I am speaking to my self as I write this as well. I want to be more like him. I don't want to have the question "Why you Hatin" in my head while I am looking at my fellow man.I should have the happy thought in my head praise God for that brother or sister because God made them and I should love them as he loved me. Question should be WWJD. (What Would Jesus Do)
