Thursday, February 21, 2013

Touch A Heart and Change A Life Compaign!!!

It has been two years since I lost my husband, Kevin Brown to suicide.  I still have to pinch myself to believe this has actually happened.  It amazing me that a person so full of life and having so much compassion for other could make such a decision.  The only thing that keeps me going is the thought: That something AWESOME AND WONDERFUL, has to come out of this.  It was during one of my moments of thinking, Lord, what is the purpose of all of this, that I know with out a doubt, the vision: Touch A Heart and Change A Life came from.  My pain is for someone else's gain.  God has chosen my family to use our hurt and devastation, to help others in their time of despair.  I have been leading the Women's Worshipfest for over 15 years, first the vision was just to have an Annual Conference and bring women together to have them restored and revived.  But after my life was turned upside down, God let me know that Women's Worshipfest was to be more than just a Conference.  We were to help women and children losing hope. So on today we have launched our "Touch A Heart and Change A Life Campaign".  We have posted on the Crowd funding site to spread the word of our vision.

My husband was too wonderful of an individual, we have to get more than just hurt, frustration and pain out of his death, God showed me I have to remember his life and how he lived more than how he died.  When he lived our house had an open door, I can't begin to count how many people we took in when they had no where to go.  We never ever had a Thanksgiving Dinner alone as a family, our house was open to any and everyone who wanted to come.  He had a heart of gold.  That is why it truly grieves me that somehow he lost hope.  I can never do anything to change what has happened in my life, but I can help others; I can make a difference in the lives of others and I can ask others to help me.  So won't you help us, join hands with us...Please copy and paste this link:

Share it with your friends and family. We have only 40 days, but we can do it, if everyone does something to help!!!!!  Don't miss your moment, to TOUCH A HEART AND CHANGE A LIFE!

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